April 14th, 2008

I will be releasing two new exciting designs this year. The first is my next secret opening box. This is the perfect blend of the Block Box, Pattern Box, and Braided Box. As a puzzle and a work of art is very well balanced. The solution is not too tricky and not too difficult. I am very fond of patterns that transform into new patterns. Naturally this new box begins with one tessellation and transforms into a completely new one. It has a magic like quality, since each tessellation differs so greatly. Click here to see more.

The next project will take place this Fall. This is to be one of my finest designs. The Lotus Table is a circular version of the Cafe Wall Table and the Pattern Box. The linear movements of these two previous pieces are translated into circular movements. Now the patterns take on a very amazing kaleidoscopic effect. It has six drawers, and a seventh secret space. It takes on the appearence of a lotus flower when all six drawers are open. I have only drawings of the table to show for now. Click here to see more.


Quite a few photos of the amazing furniture I have built in the past year will be posted this Summer. Five Cafe Wall Tables and a custom desk. Stay tuned!


May 14th, 2007

It has been an eventful winter! I have been busy with the press. GAMES Magazine featured a 4 page article on my boxes in the April issue. Tom Cutrofello, who interviewed me for the article also had me visit New York to present a short lecture on the Block Box. The Dutch Cube Club published a wonderful article on the Maze Burr Puzzle. I took a trip out to the Netherlands to visit the Dutch Cube Day event. I am also to be featured in an upcoming book about puzzles.

This year I am also working on various furniture commissions. I am making a few more Cafe Wall Tables along with a custom secret opening desk. The secret desk does just about everything imaginable. The project is really a whole story in itself and is keeping me employed a whole season. No worries! I will have photos when it is finished. While brainstorming the design for the new desk I came up with a wonderful design for a small table which I plan to produce next year. My patron kindly named it the Lotus Table. More to come.....

My sister, Robin Schaefer recently launched her web site. She has been painting as long as I have been making boxes. Her work is as complex in color as these secret boxes are mechanically. Imagine if we ever did a collaborative project!

Here are the newest items I have for sale.

I've just made a small batch of new Maze Burrs with a very nice curly maple. Narra maze plates are veneered with crossed grains of curly maple so that it is has perfect movement. It also looks pretty cool!

You can read more about the latest Maze Burr here.

And finally the secret opening book that so many people have been waiting for. I have spent a long of time prototyping this journal so that it has a good secret lock and functional. This is made from the finest woods I could find and finished to perfection. Please don't let the finish scare you from using it as a journal. That is my wish to everyone.

Read more about it here.

Here is a final thought I will leave you with:

Music boxes play music when open. Is there such thing as a box that opens only when music is played for it? As impossible as this seems to conjure such a thing from only wood, I believe I have the answer!


Click here to see what was new in 2006.

Click here to see what was new in 2005.

Click here to see what was new in 2004.

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